This page shows the process for creating a model of the the Century 16 movie theater, site of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado mass shooting.
To begin the process, I initially research the architecture of the space and try to find any available images relating to the space, sometimes I am able to gather images of the sites prior to the event, these images are very helpful in recreating details from the sites. Once images are found, I usually will draw a quick sketch of what the scene can look like and try to imagine the best suited camera angles to be used for filming the set.
The next step involves gathering as much spatial information as possible relating to the site, specific information that will detail dimensions and measurements is critical- if the information is not available, a close alternate set of data is used to facilitate the process.
For this particular piece, I really wanted to capture the essence of the typical movie theater seat/ as it was in 2012- In 2022 most movie theater experiences feature recliner style furniture made of black leather, however for this particular theater, the seats were very simple folding seats.
Though the exact model could not be attained, based on the images – the model chosen represents the space quite well.
The next phase for this project involves the duplication of the seats, the majority of the piece will consist of these individual elements grouped together to make the space look like the theater.
For this phase, I decided to make a digital model of the seat itself and 3D print the form for duplication.
Though movie theater seats are available for download from sites like thingiverse, I wanted to make sure and capture the seat as closely as possible and make it myself and be certain of the dimensions used. Additionally, this helps me practice my digital modeling skills and stay up to date on new features available to each piece of software.
A test was 3D printed as a proof of concept and scale test.
The sample was used to create a quick 2 part mold of the chair, which would then be used to replicate the object 10 times in order to create a 10 part mold.
Due to the rising costs of everything during the pandemic, making a large mold like the one needed and purchasing the amount of resin would have cost more than to purchase an additional 3D printer and filament- not to mention- 3D printing the forms would require less cleanup and could be done passively while I worked on other things.

Research of the space through photographs made it possible to build a somewhat accurate version of the theater through sketchup-

The templates and flat files were then converted into Ilustrator files and Vectorized for Laser Cutting.
Once cut, the forms were assembled and the theater started to take shape IRL.

Due to the size of the platform, a custom setup had to be rigged using a square folding table- extended to be at least 4’x4′.

Once finished, the initial layout could be tested and the model could be tested IRL.

Once the setup and painting was completed- it was time to add the rest of the chairs into the scene. This proved a bit difficult due to the size of the set. – at nearly 4′ long- it was quite hard to reach the back rows of the theater, in hindsight- probably should have made the ceiling more easily removable. Live and Learn.

Finalized screening with incense to increase light refractions from the projector.

Since the beginning of this particular set, I wanted to include something different from the previous iteration of the Roulette series; “When she says baby” had a more intimate setting due to the size of the set- the carnage was more direct and pronounced due to the amount of light present in the room. Aurora, presented a different challenge, lighting was minimal and had to be controlled in order for the set to read effectively as a theater. The use of the project proved critical for the set since it provides not only the image being projected, but valuable reflective light needed to understand what is happening in the scene. This series focuses on exploring a visual representation of the way common spaces are altered, however with Aurora, I wanted to also explore the cause for the deformation. I had originally considered a river of fluid engulfing the space. The fluid would have been black to represent darkness invading the theater, the thing that would make it not be neutral anymore. However, after playing around with different materials I settled on incense as a sort of spiritual force invading the space and contaminating the light.
